
Fear is the impetus of extremism and when it's fueled with self-righteous arrogance and aspirated with vengeance, regardless of the culture, someone is going to die.


We'll take the consequences and the benefits of the choice we made to leave the Church, but as the volleys of reprisal reach closer our own ironsides we see the wisdom in flying a more innocuous flag.

the natural order of things

I used to photograph families. It started with weddings and when I built up a clientele I was asked to shoot portraits of multiple generations at family reunions, the greatest of which was five. There it would be, lined out in front of my camera, generational benchmarks.

sanity’s saving grace

A process contrived to soothe, heal, assuage, whatever, worked for so many people there. But it didn't work for me and for a few moments I dissolved. Nothing has really worked for me since. Unweaving the conditioning of my past has me to a point of resolution about letting him die, but the rending is always there. Its frequency has lessened in the goodness of my living but its intensity has magnified in the time he's been away, in the time since I let him die.

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